As well as a physical body you also have an energetic body which is separated into 3 aspects. One is known as your aura which is on the outside of your physical body and can extend up to 6 feet around you. You also have two parts on the inside of your physical body. One is known as your chakra's.
You have 7 main chakras which run from the base of your spine up to the crown of your head. Each chakra is connected to a physical, mental, emotional part of you. You also have your Nadis, these run from your spine up to your head. One in the centre the one that crosses over the centre one, these carry the energy through your chakras.
Chakra in Sanskrit translates to 'Wheel' or 'circle'. Chakra's are similar to a wheel in shape and the fact they spin. A chakra is best described as an energy centre. You have a chakra in each hand then 7 along your spine, from your anus up to the crown of your head. These chakra's 'spin' in a clockwise direction. They can become unbalanced which means they may start to spin too fast (too much energy flow), too slow (not enough energy flowing) or even become blocked. Some have reported the chakra's spinning anti-clockwise.
When chakra's become unbalanced they can manifest in your physical, mental or emotional body as dis-ease. Dis-ease of the energy body will show as dis-ease in the physical.
Your 7 main chakras are:
Also known as your base chakra. This chakra is located between your anus and genitals. it is associated with the colour red. This chakra starts developing when you are first conceived and up to one year of age. This chakra is believed to carry ancestral knowledge, pain and karma.
This chakra is the first of the three 'physical' chakras. It is the foundation of the chakra system and governs your feelings of safety, survival and security. It drives your will to survive the material world. This energy centre powers your fight-or-flight impulse. When properly developed and balanced you will feel safe, nurtured and connected to yourself, your family and your community.
A balanced chakra demonstrates self-mastery, knowing all of yourself inside and out, high physical energy, grounded and healthy You will have the will to live based on feelings of courage and security.
If this chakra is unbalanced, blocked or overactive it manifests in the physical body as feeling spacey, lightheaded or dizzy. you may experience anxiety or paranoia. You may feel the world is chaotic and unmanageable due to feelings of scarcity, you may compensate by becoming greedy, arrogant, angry, competitive and judgemental. If underactive you may feel powerless and disconnected from the world. You may lose your ability to trust those around you. You may feel victimised and be in a victim mentality. You may be mistrusting and have feelings of low self-esteem, hopelessness and depression. As a result, you may have suicidal thoughts, seeing no way out of situations you feel were imposed on you.
The base chakra is associated with the tailbone, male reproductive organs, legs, and feet. It supports the physical infrastructure of the body. The base chakra is associated with the endocrine glands, regulating the metabolism and immune system. If out of balance you may feel physical symptoms in these body areas and recognise traits from the paragraph above.
Element association with the root chakra is earth.
There are things you can do to bring your chakras back into balance grounding and earthing are great ways. Standing in the grass or even mud barefoot for 20 minutes a day. There are more ways to bring your chakras into balance. Skip to balancing.
Your sacral chakra is located below the naval area between the hips. It is associated with the colour orange and is the second energy centre in your physical body. It is the second of the three physical chakras, relating to the physical body.
It is the seat of creativity in your chakra system. It governs your feelings of pleasure and physical love and sexuality.
The sacral chakra is where creative energy flows to create and maintain a healthy physical relationship through physical touch. This energy centre drives your creativity and your ability to go with the flow of life when well-established, and easily creates material abundance and feelings of pleasure and joy.
When balanced you will be able to comfortably express yourself sexually, be creative, expressive, trusting and attuned to your own feelings.
If unbalanced, blocked, under or overactive this chakra can manifest in your physical body. You may be emotionally unbalanced, you may be a fantasist not living in the 'real world', may be manipulative to the people close to you, or sexually addicted jumping from one sexual relationship to another without healing any trauma or issues from your previous relationship, over-sensitive and offended by everything, you may be too hard on yourself putting yourself down and not believing in yourself, feelings of guilt for no real reason, frigid or important.
The sacral chakra is associated with the lower abdomen, pelvis, large intestine and the female reproductive system. This chakra vibrates at a higher frequency than the root chakra and generates the fluid movement of energy to support elimination and procreation. Also associated with the endocrine glands, testes and ovaries, regulating sexual development and secretes sex hormone
The element connected to your sacral chakra is water.
If unbalanced you may recognise yourself in the traits a couple of paragraphs up, you may also notice problems or issues in the body areas mentioned above. You can bring your sacral back into balance once you are aware of it. Being by water or even in the sea helps bring ablance to your flow. There are other ways too.. Skip to balacing.
Your Solar Plexus chakra is located just above the naval, at the centre of the upper abdomen, and below the diaphragm. It is associated with the colour yellow and is the third energy centre in your physical body. It is the last of the three physical chakras, relating to the physical body.
It is the core of personal power. It governs your self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-reliance.
The sacral chakra is where the heat is needed to transform your food into fuel and energy is generated. This energy is used by your body to accomplish everyday maintenance, healing and accommodating change. It is your energetic core that drives your will to take action.
When properly developed and balanced, it enables your inner warrior to propel you forward to overcome challenges and obstacles., you will feel invincible. you have respect for yourself and for others. You will know your personal power, and be spontaneous and uninhibited.
If unbalanced, blocked, under or overactive this chakra can manifest in your physical body. You may be filled with self-doubt, self-hatred and a sense of inadequacy. These feelings may attract your ability to take charge and make decisions. Because of your lack of self-respect, you may give away your power and be left with internalised anger and resentment. This may lead to insensitivity to others. You may move through life with extreme responses to minor annoyances.
The Solar plexus chakra is associated with the upper abdomen, lower back, small intestine and digestive system, imbalances of this chakra can manifest in these physical areas. It is also associated with the endocrine glands, the pancreas - regulating your metabolism.
Maintaining a balanced solar plexus chakra literally provides the fuel needed to power your body at the cellular level. Keeping the solar plexus chakra energised and vital will benefit the digestive system and the associated body parts.
The solar plexus is associated with the element of fire. Visualising your fire burning and growing can help bring balance to this chakra. If you recognise any traits or physical problems in the body parts mentioned above, then consider balancing this chakra. You can balance your chakras by... Skip to balancing
Your heart chakra is located in the centre of your chest, between your sternum and spine. It is associated with the colour green and is the fourth of the seven chakras. It connects the lower three physical chakras with the upper three. The bridge between the physical and spiritual you, keeping you grounded and connected to your higher self. It is the gateway to your spiritual connection to the divine.
It is where the love you have for yourself and others is generated. This energy centre is the source of your ability to love and be loved unconditionally.
When balanced you feel self-love and love for others, you cannot harm and you can not be harmed. You can be of service to others with love, compassion and respect. You will be compassionate, and nurturing, love unconditionally and desire spiritual experiences in lovemaking.
If unbalanced, over or underactive it can manifest in your physical and mental body as dis-ease or illness. Symptoms include being possessive or exhibiting co-dependent tendencies. You'll love conditionally, withhold emotionally. You may put others' needs ahead of your own. You may love people too much, and feel unworthy of receiving love. You may be unable to trust, shut down emotionally and question your own worthiness.
This chakra is associated with the thorax, upper back, lungs, rib cage, diaphragm and heart. It is also connected with the Thymus, regulating the immune system. The heart chakra energetically affects the major body functions of respiration and circulation.
The heart chakra represents the highest vibration in the physical realm and links you to the physical world.
The element of the heart chakra is air. Breathing with intent into the heart area can help bring balance to your heart. If you recognise traits from the heart being unbalanced or have any physical issues with the body parts mentioned above, Balancing your heart chakra could benefit you greatly. Skip to balancing chakra's.
Your throat chakra is located in the centre of your neck, between your throat and spine. It is associated with the colour blue and is the fifth of the seven chakras and the first of the three spiritual chakras. It is the energetic source of your 'voice' and governs your ability to share yourself with the world.
It is where the source of your self-expression comes from. This energy centre provides you with the power of communication. It functions to connect and balance the thoughts of the mind with the feelings of the heart. It assists in your ability to know when you talk and when to listen.
When in alignment you will be able to share your thoughts and feelings with others to create a life you love. You will feel understood and seen allowing you to fully express yourself. You will be a good communicator, contented, find it easy to meditate and be artistically inspired.
If unbalanced, over or underactive it can manifest in your physical and mental body as dis-ease or illness. Signs and symptoms include over-talking, dogmatic, self-righteous, arrogant, shy, reluctant or unable to speak your truth. You may find yourself making things up to avoid telling the truth. Unreliable, you may hold inconsistent views. Suffer from anxiety, and feel alone and isolated. You may speak before thinking, and find it difficult to stop and listen to others. You may be loud and insistent. A gossip and a bit of a know-it-all. Silence in a conversation may be unbearable to you. If you recognise these, you could have an unbalanced throat chakra.
This chakra is associated with the jaw, mouth, larynx, trachea, throat, neck and Brainstem. It is also connected with the thyroid, regulating body temperature, hormones and metabolism. This is where anything entering the body is controlled and regulated. Eating, breathing, swallowing, tasting and speaking all happen with great precision and little conscious effort.
The throat chakra energetically supports the gateway for respiration and the gastrointestinal system.
The throat chakra is associated with the element of Ether - life force energy.
If you recognise yourself in any of the unbalanced states or have physical issues with the body parts mentioned then you can start to bring your throat chakra into balance. Breathing with intent into that chakra is one way. There are more. Skip to balancing chakra's
Also known as the third eye chakra. This chakra is located just above the eyebrows and the centre of the forehead. The brow chakra is the sixth chakra and is the second of the three spiritual chakras. It is the source of your spiritual insight and intuition, and the gateway to higher consciousness.
The energy centre provides you with the ability to be introspective. It functions to reveal your highest truth and leads you to trust in yourself. It provides you with the ability to see the context of situations and develop your emotional intelligence.
When properly developed and aligned, you have a higher overall perspective and are able to consider your options and choose powerfully. You will have clarity and awareness that can provide you with insight into your past, present and future. You may be charismatic, highly intuitive, not attached to material things, you may experience unusual phenomena.
If unbalanced, over or underactive it can manifest in your physical and mental body as dis-ease or illness. You may become narrow-minded and unable to make clear decisions because of a lack of clarity. You may ignore information that is in plain sight and be unable to focus on your goal. You may appear confused or out of it to others without being aware yourself. You may lack self-awareness and have the inability to empathise with others. You may have nightmares or visions or psychic disturbances. You may suffer from delusions and move through the world in your head, overthinking and find it difficult to ground. Be lost in thoughts and find it difficult to make meaningful connections.
This chakra is associated with the face, nose, eyes, ears, sinuses, brain and skull. The pineal and pituitary glands are also associated with the brow chakra. The brow chakra energetically raises the vibration of your consciousness to experience beyond the three-dimensional world.
The third eye is associated with elements of light and telepathic energy.
If you have an imbalance and recognise yourself in any traits above or have physical issues with the body parts mentioned above then consider, bringing this chakra into balance. Meditation is a powerful tool for this chakra. See more ways to balance here.
Your crown chakra is located at the top and centre of the head. The crown chakra is normally associated with the shade white it is the seventh chakra and is the third of the three spiritual chakras. It is the point of direct connection to your higher self and the divine.
This energy centre provides the opportunity to experience the highest forms of consciousness. It functions to allow feelings of joy and bliss, peace and transcendence. It enables you to experience the mystical aspects of life. When properly developed, you are able to know and understand the temporary nature of all things and the eternal nature of individual consciousness within the source of all that is.
When balanced you can maintain a pure connection with the divine which supports, balances and energises the entire chakra system. You may have a magnetic personality and attract pure souls, young children and animals. You may achieve 'miracles' in life, transcendent and at peace with yourself.
If unbalanced, over or underactive it can manifest in your physical and mental body as dis-ease or illness. Symptoms include may include feeling disconnected from spirituality, you may move from one religion to another searching for answers to spiritual questions. You may suffer from manic depression, confused sexual expression, frustration, sense of unrealised power. You may feel constantly exhausted, can't make decisions, no sense of 'belonging'. You may have the 'monkey mind' where your thoughts take over your reality. You may become disconnected. You may be afraid of losing materialistic things because you become overly attached to 'stuff'
This chakra is associated with the brain and skull. The pineal gland is also associated with the crown chakra, as well as the brow. This gland regulates biological cycles, including sleep.
The crown chakra energetically holds the vibration for the optimum function of all seven chakras.
The crown is connected to the elements of thought and cosmic energy.
If you recognise yourself in any of the unbalanced traits or have any sort of issues with the physical body parts associated with the crown chakra, then consider energy healing to bring you into balance. There are other ways to balance chakras yourself. Skip to balancing chakra's.
If you recognise yourself in the section above, it could be that you have an imbalance in your chara's.There are a few ways in which you can start to balance your chakra's.
Here at wellness wagon we offer an 8 week online course so you're able to learn about each individua chakra, what each one means to your physical, mental and emotional health. How to bring balance to your chakra's through nutrition, scents, crystals, frequencies, energy healing, meditations, mantras and so much more!
You can read more and book on via the button below!
If you recognise any of these symptoms from an under or overactive chakra there are things you can do to bring balance to your chakras. Different tools and therapies include - but are not limited to:
Wellness wagon offers an intense 8 week course (you get forver access to the course material). During the 8 weeks you will learn all about your chakra's, the imbalance's, how they manifest, how you can bring balance into them using tools listed above and weekly coaching calls with distance energy healing. You can read more and book on here - for more information get in touch or book a free, no obligation consultation below.